bitMatrix-* series fonts should be set to 8.5 or 9.5 pt.
Take the bitMatrix-A2 font for example, when your receipt characters appear larger, you should choose 9.5 pt for the font size. Otherwise, 8.5 should be selected. However, this requires thermal printer matching. Epson TM-T88* series thermal printers must choose a font size of 9.5 pt. For thermal printers of Epson TM-T81* or TM-T82* models, select 8.5.
(Epson TM-T81* or T82* pos thermal printer can print 48 latin characters per line, and the height of FontA is 3 mm, so 8.5 pt font size is the best choice. )
(Epson TM-T88* pos thermal printer can print 42 latin characters per line, and the height of FontA is 3.39 mm, so 9.5 pt font size is the best choice. )
This is a professional job, if you have problems or doubts, please contact us with a sample photo of your receipt.