How to install fonts?

The instruction is to help you once and for all solve the question of how to install fonts in the Windows, MacOS and Linux operating systems. There is nothing difficult.

For Windows

Select one or more TTF files, right-click and hover over “Install”. The installation will start automatically after a click. It only remains to wait for the process to complete.

The alternative method is a bit more complicated and relevant for cases where the context menu does not contain the “Install” item or you need to add an impressive number of fonts to the OS. First go to the Windows directory and go to the Fonts directory. Then move the files there.

You can get into the directory with fonts in 2 more ways.

The easiest is to press WIN + R. Copy the %windir%\fonts line there and click on the OK button. Another method takes a little more time – go to the “Control Panel” and find “Fonts” in the section “Appearance and Personalization”.

By the way, installation is possible through a standard viewer. Open any font in it and click “Install.”

When the installation is complete, restart the applications where you are going to use it. For reliability, it is better to completely restart the computer.

For MacOS

Like Windows, MacOS also supports TTF font formats. Before installation, we recommend closing active applications. Then there is no need to restart the programs later. Adding sets to the system is done elementary – double click on the desired file and in the opened window click “Install”. If everything passes successfully, the regular program “Fonts” is launched.

Only the administrator has the right to install fonts for all system users. It is done this way. Open the application “Fonts”. Apple menu Hover the mouse over the “Fonts” and click on the “Settings”. Find the inscription “Default account locations”. In the drop-down list next to activate the “Computer”. Enter the administrator login and password to confirm the action.

For Linux

In terms of supporting font sets, Linux is not different from Windows and MacOS. Unix-like systems work with the TTF formats. Global fonts are located at /usr/share/fonts, and custom fonts are located in the .fonts folder from the user’s home directory.

Photoshop, Figma, Sketch, Adobe InDesign and other graphic applications.

To use the font in Photoshop, Sketch or InDesign, you need to install it in your operating system. After installing the font, do not forget to restart the program in which you are going to use the font.


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