Buying receipt fonts, of course, is not for making fake receipts.
Case 1, after you change the printer, you find that the original receipt font cannot be printed. At this time, you need to purchase TTF fonts, which are soft fonts and can be installed in the windows/fonts folder for easy printing.
Case 2, when you are using a USB printer, USB programming is often difficult, so you need to buy some fonts.
Case 3, you don’t want to ask software developer to call the embedded font in the printer, because it is difficult to find a programmer. At such a time, buying TTF fonts is the best choice.
Case 4, you find that many receipts use a same font which can be bought from our store, as a store administrator, you are sure that the font is what you want, so you decide to buy it.
Case 5, as a software developer, you need to show the renderings of the receipt. In order to get a style like other samples you’ve seen, you need to buy a specific font from our store.